Discover the thrill of shopping at Whole Foods, where every visit is an adventure. With a constantly changing selection that varies by season and location, each trip feels like a treasure hunt. The excitement doesn't stop there. Since being acquired by Amazon in 2017, Whole Foods has undergone a transformation. One notable change is the rebranding of their private labels. But there's more to it than that.

Whole Foods has embraced the idea of creating unique stores that cater to their specific locations. This intentional strategy ensures that no two Whole Foods stores are the same - even in California, where they have the most locations.
Check out our tips and experience the joy of discovering something new every time you visit Whole Foods and see how their thoughtful approach to store design enhances your shopping experience.
Whole Foods employs a team of new produce foragers
The secret that sets Whole Foods locations apart is their fresh produce foraging team! These dedicated individuals seek out unique local brands to bring to stores, creating a truly personalized shopping experience. Just like Amazon recommends products you might like, Whole Foods offers you a carefully curated selection.

In California, you'll find favorite brands like Durst Organic Growers and Full Belly Farm. Florida is dominated by Saltwater Brewery and Adams Ranch. Meanwhile, Massachusetts boasts Cape Cod Select and Cotuit Oyster Company. Even in the same region, such as Northern California, each Whole Foods store offers its own distinct atmosphere.
Naturally, this attention to detail affects prices, especially when it comes to organic and small business products. However, with Amazon's takeover, Whole Foods' availability has improved. Now it's easier than ever to support local brands while enjoying high-quality products.